Got it! If you need your logo files immediately, look in the folder your practice owner has in their email or on their computer. We encourage our clients to keep a copy of this folder handy for situations where they need immediate access. Your folder includes your: Logo files Domain information Website Access and more If you can’t find this folder go ahead and submit this ticket requesting it. We’ll send you your files as soon as we can. Name: Site(s) in question: Email: What do you need access to? WordPress Dashboard FTP Other (please specify in message field) Who is this access for? (You, SEO group, team member, etc.) Case 1 Before Photo: After Photo: Other Photos Related to This Case: Info Related to This Case (procedures performed, their story, their testimonial, etc): Add another case Message: Please include the blog details (title, content, and if a specific post date is required) below. Please upload the forms that you need replaced or added to the site. It is best to send us files that are already in the PDF format as other formats may display improperly from computer to computer. Please include the code you need added to the site either in the Message field or uploaded as a file. If there are any specific insturctions on how to implement the code (specific placement or setup), those are also helpful to include. When uploading images of more than one team member, please make sure to put their name in the filename before uploading it so we know which team member needs the photo on the website. Please detail the warning message you are seeing and how you are producing it. It could also be helpful for us if you upload a screenshot or video showing the problem so we can quickly diagnose the issue. Please let us know which page and where on that page you are seeing the broken link. Please detail the problem in functionality you are seeing, what page you are seeing it on, and how you are producing it. It could also be helpful for us if you upload a screenshot or video showing the problem so we can quickly diagnose the issue. Please detail the problem you are seeing and how you are producing it. It could also be helpful for us if you upload a screenshot or video showing the problem so we can quickly diagnose the issue. Please let us know what change (or changes) you are not seeing made on the site. It can sometimes be helpful for us if you upload a screenshot so we know exactly what you are looking at. Please detail the DNS changes that you need made. Please let us know what logo you need and if a specific format is needed. If you aren’t certain on the format, letting us know what you need it for can help us provide you with the proper format. Please let us know what photo(s) you need and if a specific format is needed. If you aren’t certain on the format, letting us know what you need it for can help us provide you with the proper format. Please let us know what video(s) you need and if a specific format is needed. If you aren’t certain on the format, letting us know what you need it for can help us provide you with the proper format. Upload Files: